Using Multiple Variables and PDEs

Problem Formulation

In this demo we show how CASHOCS can be used to treat multiple state equations as constraint. Additionally, this also highlights how the case of multiple controls can be treated. As model example, we consider the following problem

\[\begin{split}&\min\; J((y,z), (u,v)) = \frac{1}{2} \int_\Omega \left( y - y_d \right) \text{ d}x + \frac{1}{2} \int_\Omega \left( z - z_d \right) \text{ d}x + \frac{\alpha}{2} \int_\Omega u^2 \text{ d}x + \frac{\beta}{2} \int_\Omega v^2 \text{ d}x \\ &\text{ subject to } \quad \left\lbrace \quad \begin{alignedat}{2} -\Delta y &= u \quad &&\text{ in } \Omega, \\ y &= 0 \quad &&\text{ on } \Gamma,\\ -\Delta z - y &= v \quad &&\text{ in } \Omega, \\ z &= 0 \quad &&\text{ on } \Gamma. \end{alignedat} \right.\end{split}\]

For the sake of simplicity, we restrict this investigation to homogeneous boundary conditions as well as to a very simple one way coupling. More complex problems (using e.g. Neumann control or more difficult couplings) are straightforward to implement.

In contrast to the previous examples, in the case where we have multiple state equations, which are either decoupled or only one-way coupled, the corresponding state equations are solved one after the other so that every input related to the state and adjoint variables has to be put into a ordered list, so that they can be treated properly, as is explained in the following.


The complete python code can be found in the file, and the corresponding config can be found in config.ini.


The initial setup is identical to the previous cases (see, Distributed Control of a Poisson Problem), where we again use

from fenics import *
import cashocs

config = cashocs.load_config('config.ini')
mesh, subdomains, boundaries, dx, ds, dS = cashocs.regular_mesh(50)
V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)

which defines the geometry and the function space.

Defintion of the Functions

We now first define the state equation corresponding to the state \(y\). This is done in analogy to Distributed Control of a Poisson Problem

y = Function(V)
p = Function(V)
u = Function(V)
e_y = inner(grad(y), grad(p)) * dx - u * p * dx
bcs_y = cashocs.create_dirichlet_bcs(V, Constant(0), boundaries, [1, 2, 3, 4])

Similarly to before, p is the adjoint state corresponding to y.

Next, we define the second state equation (which is for the state \(z\)) via

z = Function(V)
q = Function(V)
v = Function(V)
e_z = inner(grad(z), grad(q)) * dx - (y + v) * q * dx
bcs_z = cashocs.create_dirichlet_bcs(V, Constant(0), boundaries, [1, 2, 3, 4])

Here, q is the adjoint state corresponding to z.

In order to treat this one-way coupled with CASHOCS, we now have to specify what the state, adjoint, and control variables are. This is done by putting the corresponding fenics.Function objects into ordered lists

states = [y, z]
adjoints = [p, q]
controls = [u, v]

To define the corresponding state system, the state equations and Dirichlet boundary conditions also have to be put into an ordered list, i.e.,

e = [e_y, e_z]
bcs_list = [bcs_y, bcs_z]


It is important, that the ordering of the state and adjoint variables, as well as the state equations and boundary conditions is in the same way. This means, that e[i] is the state equation for state[i], which is supplemented with Dirichlet boundary conditions defined in bcs_list[i], and has a corresponding adjoint state adjoints[i], for all i. In analogy, the same holds true for the control variables, the scalar product of the control space, and the control constraints, i.e., controls[j], riesz_scalar_products[j], and control_constraints[j] all have to belong to the same control variable.

Note, that the control variables are completely independent of the state and adjoint ones, so that the relative ordering between these objects does not matter.

Defintion of the state system

Now, we can define the PDE constraints corresponding to y and z, which read in FEniCS syntax

e_y = inner(grad(y), grad(p))*dx - u*p*dx
e_z = inner(grad(z), grad(q))*dx - (y + v)*q*dx

Again, the state equations have to be gathered into a list, where the order has to be in analogy to the list y, i.e.,

e = [e_y, e_z]

Finally, the boundary conditions for both states are homogeneous Dirichlet conditions, which we generate via

bcs1 = cashocs.create_dirichlet_bcs(V, Constant(0), boundaries, [1, 2, 3, 4])
bcs2 = cashocs.create_dirichlet_bcs(V, Constant(0), boundaries, [1, 2, 3, 4])

bcs_list = [bcs1, bcs2]

and who are also put into a joint list bcs_list.

Defintion of the cost functional and optimization problem

For the optimization problem we now define the cost functional via

y_d = Expression('sin(2*pi*x[0])*sin(2*pi*x[1])', degree=1)
z_d = Expression('sin(4*pi*x[0])*sin(4*pi*x[1])', degree=1)
alpha = 1e-6
beta = 1e-4
J = Constant(0.5)*(y - y_d)*(y - y_d)*dx + Constant(0.5)*(z - z_d)*(z - z_d)*dx \
    + Constant(0.5*alpha)*u*u*dx + Constant(0.5*beta)*v*v*dx

This setup is sufficient to now define the optimal control problem and solve it, via

optimization_problem = cashocs.OptimalControlProblem(e, bcs_list, J, states, controls, adjoints, config)

The result should look like this



Note, that the error between \(z\) and \(z_d\) is significantly larger that the error between \(y\) and \(y_d\). This is due to the fact that we use a different regularization parameter for the controls \(u\) and \(v\). For the former, which only acts on \(y\), we have a regularization parameter of alpha = 1e-6, and for the latter we have beta = 1e-4. Hence, \(v\) is penalized higher for being large, so that also \(z\) is (significantly) smaller than \(z_d\).


Note, that for the case that we consider control constraints (see Control Constraints) or different Hilbert spaces, e.g., for boundary control (see Neumann Boundary Control), the corresponding control constraints have also to be put into a joint list, i.e.,

cc_u = [u_a, u_b]
cc_v = [v_a, v_b]
cc = [cc_u, cc_v]

and the corresponding scalar products have to be treated analogously, i.e.,

scalar_product_u = TrialFunction(V)*TestFunction(V)*dx
scalar_product_v = TrialFunction(V)*TestFunction(V)*dx
scalar_products = [scalar_product_u, scalar_produt_v]

In summary, to treat multiple (control or state) variables, the corresponding objects simply have to placed into ordered lists which are then passed to the OptimalControlProblem instead of the “single” objects as in the previous examples. Note, that each individual object of these lists is allowed to be from a different function space, and hence, this enables different discretizations of state and adjoint systems.