Documentation of the Config Files for Optimal Control Problems

Let us take a look at how the config files are structured for optimal control problems. The corresponding config file is config.ini.

First of all, the config is divided into the sections: Mesh, StateSystem, OptimizationRoutine, AlgoLBFGS, AlgoCG, AlgoTNM, AlgoPDAS, and Output. These manage the settings for the mesh, the state equation of the optimization problem, the solution algorithms, and the output, respectively. Note, that the structure of such config files is explained in-depth in the documentation of the configparser module. In particular, the order of the entries in each section is arbitrary.

Moreover, we remark that CASHOCS has a default behavior for almost all of these parameters, which is triggered when they are NOT specified in the config file, and we will discuss this behavior for each parameter in this tutorial. A summary of all parameters as well as their default values can be found at the end of this page.

Section Mesh

The mesh section consists, for optimal control problems, only of a path to the .xdmf version of the mesh file

mesh_file = ../mesh/mesh.xdmf

This section is completely optional and can be used when importing meshes generated with GMSH. Note, that this section can become more populated and useful for shape optimization problems, as detailed in the description of their config files. To convert a .msh file to the .xdmf format, you can use the command line tool cashocs-convert.

Section StateSystem

The state system section is used to detail how the state and adjoint systems are solved. This includes settings for a damped Newton method and a Picard iteration.

In the following, we go over each parameter in detail. First, we have

is_linear = True

This is a boolean parameter which indicates, whether the state system is linear. This is used to speed up some computations. Note, that the program will always work when this is set to False, as it treats the linear problem in a nonlinear fashion and the corresponding solver converges in one iteration. However, using is_linear = True on a nonlinear state system throws an error related to FEniCS. The default value for this parameter is False.

The next parameter is defined via

newton_rtol = 1e-11

This parameter determines the relative tolerance for the Newton solver that is used to solve a nonlinear state system. Subsequently, we can also define the absolute tolerance for the Newton solver via

newton_atol = 1e-13

Note, that the default values are newton_rtol = 1e-11 and newton_atol = 1e-13.

The parameter newton_iter, which is defined via

newton_iter = 50

controls how many iterations the Newton method is allowed to make before it terminates. This defaults to 50.

Moreover, we have the boolean newton_damped

newton_damped = True

which determines whether a damping should be used (in case this is True) or not (otherwise). This parameter defaults to True if nothing is given.

Additionally, we have the boolean parameter newton_inexact, defined via

newton_inexact = False

which sets up an inexact Newton method for solving nonlinear problems in case this is True. The default is False.

The parameter

newton_verbose = False

is used to make the Newton solver’s output verbose. This is disabled by default. This concludes the settings for Newton’s method.

Next up, we have the parameters controlling the Picard iteration. First, we have

picard_iteration = False

This is another boolean flag, used to determine, whether the state system shall be solved using a Picard iteration (if this is True) or not (if this is False). For a single state equation (i.e. one single state variable) both options are equivalent. The difference is only active when considering a coupled system with multiple state variables that is coupled. The default value for this parameter is False.

The tolerances for the Picard iteration are defined via

picard_rtol = 1e-10
picard_atol = 1e-12

The first parameter determines the relative tolerance used for the Picard iteration, in case it is enabled, and the second one determines the absolute tolerance. Their default value are given by picard_rtol = 1e-10 and picard_atol = 1e-12.

The maximum number of iterations of the method can be set via

picard_iter = 10

and the default value for this parameter is picard_iter = 50.

The parmater picard_verbose enables verbose output of the convergence of the Picard iteration, and is set as follows

picard_verbose = False

Its default value is False.

Section OptimizationRoutine

The following section is used to specify general parameters for the solution algorithm, which can be customized here. The first parameter determines the choice of the particular algorithm, via

algorithm = lbfgs

The possible choices are given by

  • gd or gradient_descent : a gradient descent method

  • cg, conjugate_gradient, ncg, nonlinear_cg : nonlinear CG methods

  • lbfgs or bfgs : limited memory BFGS method

  • newton : a truncated Newton method

  • pdas or primal_dual_active_set : a primal dual active set method (for control constraints)

Note, that there is no default value, so that this always has to be specified by the user.

The next line of the config file is given by

rtol = 1e-4

This parameter determines the relative tolerance for the solution algorithm. In the case where no control constraints are present, this uses the “classical” norm of the gradient of the cost functional as measure. In case there are box constraints present, it uses the stationarity measure (see Kelley, Iterative Methods for Optimization as measure. Analogously, we also have the line

atol = 0.0

This determines the absolute tolerance for the solution algorithm. The default tolerances for the optimization algorithm are given by rtol = 1e-3 and atol = 0.0.

Next up, we have

maximum_iterations = 100

This parameter determines the maximum number of iterations carried out by the solution algorithm before it is terminated. It defaults to maximum_iterations = 100.

The initial step size for the Armijo line search can be set via

initial_stepsize = 1.0

This can have an important effect on performance of the gradient descent and nonlinear cg methods, as they do not include a built-in scaling of the step size. The default value is initial_stepsize = 1.0.

The next paramter, epsilon_armijo, is defined as follows

epsilon_armijo = 1e-4

This paramter describes the parameter used in the Armijo rule to determine sufficient decrease, via

\[J(u + td) \leq J(u) + \varepsilon t \left\langle g, d \right\rangle\]

where u is the current optimization variable, d is the search direction, t is the step size, and g is the current gradient. Note, that \(\varepsilon\) corresponds to the parameter epsilon_armijo. A value of 1e-4 is recommended and commonly used (see Nocedal and Wright, Numerical Optimization), so that we use epsilon_armijo = 1e-4 as default value.

In the following line, the parameter beta_armijo is defined

beta_armijo = 2

This parameter determines the factor by the which the step size is decreased if the Armijo condition is not satisfied, i.e., we get \(t = \frac{t}{\beta}\)beta` corresponds to beta_armijo. The default value for this parameter is beta_armijo = 2.0.

Finally, we have the parameter soft_exit, which is defined as

soft_exit = False

This parameter determines, whether we get a hard (False) or soft (True) exit of the optimization routine in case it does not converge. In case of a hard exit an Exception is raised and the script does not complete. However, it can be beneficial to still have the subsequent code be processed, which happens in case soft_exit = True. Note, however, that in this case the returned results are NOT optimal, as defined by the user input parameters. Hence, the default value is soft_exit = False.

The following sections describe parameters that belong to the certain solution algorithms.

Section AlgoLBFGS

For the L-BFGS method we have the following parameters. First, we have bfgs_memory_size, which is set via

bfgs_memory_size = 2

and determines the size of the memory of the L-BFGS method. E.g., the command above specifies that information of the previous two iterations shall be used. The case bfgs_memory_size = 0 yields the classical gradient descent method, whereas bfgs_memory_size > maximum_iterations gives rise to the classical BFGS method with unlimited memory. The default behavior is bfgs_memory_size = 5.

Second, we have the parameter use_bfgs_scaling, that is set via

use_bfgs_scaling = True

This determines, whether one should use a scaling of the initial Hessian approximation (see Nocedal and Wright, Numerical Optimization). This is usually very beneficial and should be kept enabled, which it is by default.

Section AlgoCG

The parameter

cg_method = PR

determines which of the nonlinear cg methods shall be used. Available are

  • FR : the Fletcher-Reeves method

  • PR : the Polak-Ribiere method

  • HS : the Hestenes-Stiefel method

  • DY : the Dai-Yuan method

  • HZ : the Hager-Zhang method

The default value for this parameter is cg_method = FR.

After the definition of the particular cg method, we now have parameters determining restart strategies for these method. First up, we have the line

cg_periodic_restart = False

This parameter determines, whether the CG method should be restarted with a gradient step periodically, which can lead to faster convergence. The amount of iterations between restarts is then determined by

cg_periodic_its = 5

In this example, the NCG method is restarted after 5 iterations. The default behavior is given by cg_periodic_restart = False and cg_periodic_its = 10. This means, if neither of the parameters is specified, no periodic restarting takes place. If, however, only cg_periodic_restart = True is set, the default number of iterations before a restart will be cg_periodic_its = 10, unless cg_periodic_its is defined, too.

Another possibility to restart NCG methods is based on a relative criterion (see Nocedal and Wright, Numerical Optimization, Chapter 5.2). This is enabled via the boolean flag

cg_relative_restart = False

and the corresponding relative tolerance (which should lie in \((0,1)\)) is determined via

cg_restart_tol = 0.5

Note, that this relative restart reinitializes the iteration with a gradient step in case subsequent gradients are not “sufficiently” orthogonal anymore. The default behavior is given by cg_relative_restart = False and cg_restart_tol = 0.25.

Section AlgoTNM

The parameters for the truncated Newton method are determined in the following.

First up, we have

inner_newton = cg

which determines the Krylov method for the solution of the Newton problem. Should be one of

  • cg : A linear conjugate gradient method

  • cr : A conjugate residual method

Note, that these Krylov solvers are streamlined for symmetric linear operators, which the Hessian is (should be also positive definite for a minimizer so that the conjugate gradient method should yield good results when initialized not too far from the optimum). The conjugate residual does not require positive definiteness of the operator, so that it might perform slightly better when the initial guess is further away from the optimum. The default value is inner_newton = cr.

Then, we have the following line

inner_newton_tolerance = 1e-15

This determines the relative tolerance of the iterative Krylov solver for the Hessian problem. This is set to inner_newton_tolerance = 1e-15 by default.

In the final line, the paramter max_it_inner_newton is defined via

max_it_inner_newton = 50

This parameter determines how many iterations of the Krylov solver are performed before the inner iteration is terminated. Note, that the approximate solution of the Hessian problem is used after max_it_inner_newton iterations regardless of whether this is converged or not. This defaults to max_it_inner_newton = 50.

Section AlgoPDAS

Let us now take a look at the parameters for the primal dual active set method. Its first parameter is inner_pdas, which is set as follows

inner_pdas = newton

This parameter determines which solution algorithm is used for the inner (unconstrained) optimization problem in the primal dual active set method. Can be one of

  • gd or gradient_descent : A gradient descent method

  • cg, conjugate_gradient, ncg, or nonlinear_cg : A nonlinear conjugate gradient method

  • lbfgs or bfgs : A limited memory BFGS method

  • newton : A truncated newton method

Note, that the parameters for these inner solvers are determined via the same interfaces used for the solution algorithms, i.e, setting

algorithm = pdas

bfgs_memory_size = 2

inner_pdas = bfgs

(where we do not show additional parameters) uses the limited memory BFGS method with memory size 2 as inner solver for the primal dual active set method. Moreover, this parameter has to be specified by the user, there is no default value.

Moreover, we have the parameter

pdas_inner_tolerance = 1e-2

This parameter determines the relative tolerance used for the inner solution algorithms.

The maximum number of (inner) iterations for the primal dual active set method are defined via

maximum_iterations_inner_pdas = 100

and this defaults to maximum_iterations_inner_pdas = 50.

Finally, we have the following line

pdas_regularization_parameter = 1e-4

This determines the regularization parameter for the determination of the active and inactive sets, and should be positive. This comes from the interpretation as semi-smooth Newton method with Moreau Yosida regularization of the constraints. There is no default value for this parameter, it has to be supplied by the user.

Section Output

This section determines the behavior of CASHOCS regarding output, both in the terminal and w.r.t. output files. The first line of this section reads

verbose = True

The parameter verbose determines, whether the solution algorithm generates a verbose output in the console, useful for monitoring its convergence. This is set to verbose = True by default.

Next up, we define the parameter save_results

save_results = True

If this parameter is set to True, the history of the optimization is saved in a .json file located in the same folder as the optimization script. This is very useful for postprocessing the results. This defaults to save_results = True.

Moreover, we define the parameter save_txt

save_txt = True

This saves the output of the optimization, which is usually shown in the terminal, to a .txt file, which is human-readable.

We define the parameter save_pvd in the line

save_pvd = False

If save_pvd is set to True, the state variables are saved to .pvd files in a folder named “pvd”, located in the same directory as the optimization script. These can be visualized with Paraview. This parameter defaults to save_pvd = False.

The next parameter is save_pvd_adjoint, which is given in the line

save_pvd_adjoint = False

Analogously to the previous parameter, if save_pvd_adjoint is True, the adjoint variables are saved to .pvd files. The default value is save_pvd_adjoint = False.

The next parameter is given by save_pvd_gradient, which is given in the line

save_pvd_gradient = False

This boolean flag ensures that a paraview with the computed gradients is saved in result_dir/pvd. The main purpose of this is for debugging.

Finally, we can specify in which directory the results should be stored with the parameter result_dir, which is given in this config file by

result_dir = ./results

The path given there can be either relative or absolute. In this example, the working directory of the python script is chosen.

Moreover, we have the parameter time_suffix, which adds a suffix to the result directory based on the current time. It is controlled by the line

time_suffix = False


Finally, an overview over all parameters and their default values can be found in the following.



Default value



optional, see import_mesh



Default value




using True gives an error for nonlinear problems



relative tolerance for Newton’s method



absolute tolerance for Newton’s method



maximum iterations for Newton’s method



if True, damping is enabled



if True, an inexact Newton’s method is used



True enables verbose output of Newton’s method



True enables Picard iteration; only has an effect for multiple variables



relative tolerance for Picard iteration



absolute tolerance for Picard iteration



maximum iterations for Picard iteration



True enables verbose output of Picard iteration



Default value



has to be specified by the user; see solve



relative tolerance for the optimization algorithm



absolute tolerance for the optimization algorithm

maximum iterations


maximum iterations for the optimization algorithm



initial stepsize for the first iteration in the Armijo rule







if True, the optimization algorithm does not raise an exception if it did not converge



Default value




memory size of the L-BFGS method



if True, uses a scaled identity mapping as initial guess for the inverse Hessian



Default value




specifies which nonlinear CG method is used



if True, enables periodic restart of NCG method



specifies, after how many iterations the NCG method is restarted, if applicable



if True, enables restart of NCG method based on a relative criterion



the tolerance of the relative restart criterion, if applicable



Default value




inner iterative solver for the truncated Newton method



relative tolerance for the inner iterative solver



maximum iterations for the inner iterative solver



Default value



has to be specified; determines the optimization algorithm used to solve the inner sub-problems for the PDAS method



relative tolerance for the inner optimization problems



maximum iterations for the inner optimization algorithm


has to be specified; needs to be positive



Default value




if True, the history of the optimization is printed to the console



if True, the history of the optimization is saved to a .json file



if True, the history of the optimization is saved to a human readable .txt file



if True, the history of the state variables over the optimization is saved in .pvd files



if True, the history of the adjoint variables over the optimization is saved in .pvd files



if True, the history of the gradient(s) over the optimization is saved in .pvd files



path to the directory, where the output should be placed



Boolean flag, which adds a suffix to result_dir based on the current time

This concludes the documentation of the config files for optimal control problems. For the corresponding documentation for shape optimization problems, see Documentation of the Config Files for Shape Optimization Problems.