Source code for cashocs.nonlinear_solvers.picard_solver

# Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Sebastian Blauth
# This file is part of cashocs.
# cashocs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# cashocs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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"""A Picard iteration for coupled PDEs."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar, Union

import fenics
import numpy as np

    import ufl_legacy as ufl
except ImportError:
    import ufl

from cashocs import _exceptions
from cashocs import _utils
from cashocs.nonlinear_solvers import newton_solver

    from cashocs import _typing

T = TypeVar("T")

def _setup_obj(obj: T, dim: int) -> Union[T, List[None]]:
    """Returns a list of None if obj is None, else returns obj.

        obj: The object which is checked.
        dim: The dimension of the list.

        Either the obj (if not None) or a list of None.

    if obj is None:
        return [None] * dim
        return obj

def _create_homogenized_bcs(
    bcs_list: List[List[fenics.DirichletBC]],
) -> List[List[fenics.DirichletBC]]:
    """Copies the bcs_list and homogenizes the boundary conditions.

        bcs_list: The list of boundary conditions

        The homogenized list of boundary conditions

    bcs_list_hom = []
    for i in range(len(bcs_list)):
        temp_list = []
        for bc in bcs_list[i]:
            bc_hom = fenics.DirichletBC(bc)

    return bcs_list_hom

def _enlist_picard(
    obj: Optional[List[Union[T, None]]], length: int
) -> List[Union[T, None]]:
    if obj is None:
        return [None] * length
        return obj

[docs] def picard_iteration( form_list: Union[List[ufl.form], ufl.Form], u_list: Union[List[fenics.Function], fenics.Function], bcs_list: Union[List[fenics.DirichletBC], List[List[fenics.DirichletBC]]], max_iter: int = 50, rtol: float = 1e-10, atol: float = 1e-10, verbose: bool = True, inner_damped: bool = True, inner_inexact: bool = True, inner_verbose: bool = False, inner_max_iter: int = 25, ksp_options: Optional[List[_typing.KspOption]] = None, # pylint: disable=invalid-name A_tensors: Optional[List[fenics.PETScMatrix]] = None, b_tensors: Optional[List[fenics.PETScVector]] = None, inner_is_linear: bool = False, preconditioner_forms: Optional[Union[List[ufl.Form], ufl.Form]] = None, linear_solver: Optional[_utils.linalg.LinearSolver] = None, newton_linearizations: Optional[List[ufl.Form]] = None, ) -> None: """Solves a system of coupled PDEs via a Picard iteration. Args: form_list: List of the coupled PDEs. u_list: List of the state variables (to be solved for). bcs_list: List of boundary conditions for the PDEs. max_iter: The maximum number of iterations for the Picard iteration. rtol: The relative tolerance for the Picard iteration, default is 1e-10. atol: The absolute tolerance for the Picard iteration, default is 1e-10. verbose: Boolean flag, if ``True``, output is written to stdout, default is ``True``. inner_damped: Boolean flag, if ``True``, the inner problems are solved with a damped Newton method, default is ``True`` inner_inexact: Boolean flag, if ``True``, the inner problems are solved with an inexact Newton method, default is ``True`` inner_verbose: Boolean flag, if ``True``, the inner problems write the history to stdout, default is ``False``. inner_max_iter: Maximum number of iterations for the inner Newton solver; default is 25. ksp_options: List of options for the KSP objects. A_tensors: List of matrices for the right-hand sides of the inner (linearized) equations. b_tensors: List of vectors for the left-hand sides of the inner (linearized) equations. inner_is_linear: Boolean flag, if this is ``True``, all problems are actually linear ones, and only a linear solver is used. preconditioner_forms: The list of forms for the preconditioner. The default is `None`, so that the preconditioner matrix is the same as the system matrix. linear_solver: The linear solver (KSP) which is used to solve the linear systems arising from the discretized PDE. newton_linearizations: A list of UFL forms describing which (alternative) linearizations should be used for the (nonlinear) equations when solving them (with Newton's method). The default is `None`, so that the Jacobian of the supplied state forms is used. """ is_printing = verbose and fenics.MPI.rank(fenics.MPI.comm_world) == 0 form_list = _utils.enlist(form_list) u_list = _utils.enlist(u_list) bcs_list = _utils.check_and_enlist_bcs(bcs_list) bcs_list_hom = _create_homogenized_bcs(bcs_list) preconditioner_form_list = _enlist_picard(preconditioner_forms, len(u_list)) newton_linearization_list = _enlist_picard(newton_linearizations, len(u_list)) comm = u_list[0].function_space().mesh().mpi_comm() prefix = "Picard iteration: " res_tensor = [fenics.PETScVector(comm) for _ in u_list] eta_max = 0.9 gamma = 0.9 res_0 = 1.0 tol = 1.0 for i in range(max_iter + 1): res = _compute_residual(form_list, res_tensor, bcs_list_hom) if i == 0: res_0 = res tol = atol + rtol * res_0 if is_printing: if i % 10 == 0: info_str = f"\n{prefix}iter, abs. residual, rel. residual\n\n" else: info_str = "" val_str = f"{prefix}{i:4d}, {res:>13.3e}, {res/res_0:>13.3e}" print(info_str + val_str, flush=True) if res <= tol: break if i == max_iter: raise _exceptions.NotConvergedError("Picard iteration") for j in range(len(u_list)): eta = np.minimum(gamma * res, eta_max) eta = np.minimum( eta_max, np.maximum(eta, 0.5 * tol / res), ) ksp_option, A_tensor, b_tensor = _get_linear_solver_options( j, ksp_options, A_tensors, b_tensors ) newton_solver.newton_solve( form_list[j], u_list[j], bcs_list[j], derivative=newton_linearization_list[j], rtol=eta, atol=atol * 1e-1, max_iter=inner_max_iter, damped=inner_damped, inexact=inner_inexact, verbose=inner_verbose, ksp_options=ksp_option, A_tensor=A_tensor, b_tensor=b_tensor, is_linear=inner_is_linear, preconditioner_form=preconditioner_form_list[j], linear_solver=linear_solver, ) if is_printing: print("", flush=True)
def _compute_residual( form_list: List[ufl.Form], res_tensor: List[fenics.PETScVector], bcs_list: List[List[fenics.DirichletBC]], ) -> float: """Computes the residual for the picard iteration. Args: form_list: The list of forms which make the system. res_tensor: The vectors into which the residual shall be assembled. bcs_list: The list of boundary conditions for the system. Returns: The residual of the system to be solved with a Picard iteration. """ res = 0.0 for j in range(len(form_list)): fenics.assemble(form_list[j], tensor=res_tensor[j]) for bc in bcs_list[j]: bc.apply(res_tensor[j]) # TODO: Include very first solve to adjust absolute tolerance res += pow(res_tensor[j].norm("l2"), 2) result: float = np.sqrt(res) return result def _get_linear_solver_options( j: int, ksp_options: Optional[List[_typing.KspOption]], # pylint: disable=invalid-name A_tensors: Optional[List[fenics.PETScMatrix]], b_tensors: Optional[List[fenics.PETScVector]], ) -> Tuple[Optional[_typing.KspOption], fenics.PETScMatrix, fenics.PETScVector]: """Computes the arguments for the individual components considered in the iteration. Returns: A tuple [ksp_option, A_tensor, b_tensor]. """ ksp_option = ksp_options[j] if ksp_options is not None else None # pylint: disable=invalid-name A_tensor = A_tensors[j] if A_tensors is not None else None b_tensor = b_tensors[j] if b_tensors is not None else None return ksp_option, A_tensor, b_tensor