Source code for cashocs.geometry.quality

# Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Sebastian Blauth
# This file is part of cashocs.
# cashocs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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"""Mesh quality computation."""

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import fenics
import numpy as np

    import ufl_legacy as ufl
except ImportError:
    import ufl

from cashocs import _exceptions
from cashocs import _utils
from cashocs.geometry import measure

    from cashocs import _typing

[docs] def compute_mesh_quality( mesh: fenics.Mesh, quality_type: str = "min", quality_measure: str = "skewness", ) -> float: """This computes the mesh quality of a given mesh. Args: mesh: The mesh whose quality shall be computed. quality_type: The type of measurement for the mesh quality, either minimum quality or average quality over all mesh cells, default is 'min'. quality_measure: The type of quality measure which is used to compute the quality measure, default is 'skewness' Returns: The quality of the mesh, in the interval :math:`[0,1]`, where 0 is the worst, and 1 the best possible quality. """ quality_calculators = { "skewness": SkewnessCalculator(), "maximum_angle": MaximumAngleCalculator(), "radius_ratios": RadiusRatiosCalculator(), "condition_number": ConditionNumberCalculator(), } if quality_type == "min": quality = MeshQuality.min(quality_calculators[quality_measure], mesh) elif quality_type == "avg": quality = MeshQuality.avg(quality_calculators[quality_measure], mesh) else: raise _exceptions.InputError( "cashocs.geometry.quality.compute_mesh_quality", "quality_type", "quality_type must be either 'min' or 'avg'.", ) return quality
[docs] class MeshQualityCalculator: """Interface for calculating mesh quality.""" _cpp_code_mesh_quality = """ #include <pybind11/pybind11.h> #include <pybind11/eigen.h> namespace py = pybind11; #include <dolfin/mesh/Mesh.h> #include <dolfin/mesh/Vertex.h> #include <dolfin/mesh/MeshFunction.h> #include <dolfin/mesh/Cell.h> using namespace dolfin; void angles_triangle(const Cell& cell, std::vector<double>& angs) { const Mesh& mesh = cell.mesh(); angs.resize(3); const std::size_t i0 = cell.entities(0)[0]; const std::size_t i1 = cell.entities(0)[1]; const std::size_t i2 = cell.entities(0)[2]; const Point p0 = Vertex(mesh, i0).point(); const Point p1 = Vertex(mesh, i1).point(); const Point p2 = Vertex(mesh, i2).point(); Point e0 = p1 - p0; Point e1 = p2 - p0; Point e2 = p2 - p1; e0 /= e0.norm(); e1 /= e1.norm(); e2 /= e2.norm(); angs[0] = acos(; angs[1] = acos(; angs[2] = acos(; } void dihedral_angles(const Cell& cell, std::vector<double>& angs) { const Mesh& mesh = cell.mesh(); angs.resize(6); const std::size_t i0 = cell.entities(0)[0]; const std::size_t i1 = cell.entities(0)[1]; const std::size_t i2 = cell.entities(0)[2]; const std::size_t i3 = cell.entities(0)[3]; const Point p0 = Vertex(mesh, i0).point(); const Point p1 = Vertex(mesh, i1).point(); const Point p2 = Vertex(mesh, i2).point(); const Point p3 = Vertex(mesh, i3).point(); const Point e0 = p1 - p0; const Point e1 = p2 - p0; const Point e2 = p3 - p0; const Point e3 = p2 - p1; const Point e4 = p3 - p1; Point n0 = e0.cross(e1); Point n1 = e0.cross(e2); Point n2 = e1.cross(e2); Point n3 = e3.cross(e4); n0 /= n0.norm(); n1 /= n1.norm(); n2 /= n2.norm(); n3 /= n3.norm(); angs[0] = acos(; angs[1] = acos(; angs[2] = acos(; angs[3] = acos(; angs[4] = acos(; angs[5] = acos(; } dolfin::MeshFunction<double> skewness(std::shared_ptr<const Mesh> mesh) { MeshFunction<double> cf(mesh, mesh->topology().dim(), 0.0); double opt_angle; std::vector<double> angs; std::vector<double> quals; for (CellIterator cell(*mesh); !cell.end(); ++cell) { if (cell->dim() == 2) { quals.resize(3); angles_triangle(*cell, angs); opt_angle = DOLFIN_PI / 3.0; } else if (cell->dim() == 3) { quals.resize(6); dihedral_angles(*cell, angs); opt_angle = acos(1.0/3.0); } else { dolfin_error( "cashocs_quality.cpp", "skewness", "Not a valid dimension for the mesh." ); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < angs.size(); ++i) { quals[i] = 1 - std::max( (angs[i] - opt_angle) / (DOLFIN_PI - opt_angle), (opt_angle - angs[i]) / opt_angle ); } cf[*cell] = *std::min_element(quals.begin(), quals.end()); } return cf; } dolfin::MeshFunction<double> maximum_angle(std::shared_ptr<const Mesh> mesh) { MeshFunction<double> cf(mesh, mesh->topology().dim(), 0.0); double opt_angle; std::vector<double> angs; std::vector<double> quals; for (CellIterator cell(*mesh); !cell.end(); ++cell) { if (cell->dim() == 2) { quals.resize(3); angles_triangle(*cell, angs); opt_angle = DOLFIN_PI / 3.0; } else if (cell->dim() == 3) { quals.resize(6); dihedral_angles(*cell, angs); opt_angle = acos(1.0/3.0); } else { dolfin_error( "cashocs_quality.cpp", "maximum_angle", "Not a valid spatial dimension." ); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < angs.size(); ++i) { quals[i] = 1 - std::max((angs[i] - opt_angle) / (DOLFIN_PI - opt_angle), 0.0); } cf[*cell] = *std::min_element(quals.begin(), quals.end()); } return cf; } PYBIND11_MODULE(SIGNATURE, m) { m.def("skewness", &skewness); m.def("maximum_angle", &maximum_angle); } """ _quality_object = fenics.compile_cpp_code(_cpp_code_mesh_quality)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def compute(self, mesh: fenics.Mesh) -> np.ndarray: """Compute the mesh quality based on the implemented quality measure. Args: mesh: The mesh under investigation. Returns: The array of cell qualities, gathered on process 0. """ pass
[docs] class SkewnessCalculator(MeshQualityCalculator): """Implements the skewness quality measure."""
[docs] def compute(self, mesh: fenics.Mesh) -> np.ndarray: r"""Computes the skewness of the mesh. This measure the relative distance of a triangle's angles or a tetrahedron's dihedral angles to the corresponding optimal angle. The optimal angle is defined as the angle an equilateral, and thus equiangular, element has. The skewness lies in :math:`[0,1]`, where 1 corresponds to the case of an optimal (equilateral) element, and 0 corresponds to a degenerate element. The skewness corresponding to some (dihedral) angle :math:`\alpha` is defined as .. math:: 1 - \max \left( \frac{\alpha - \alpha^*}{\pi - \alpha*} , \ \frac{\alpha^* - \alpha}{\alpha^* - 0} \right), where :math:`\alpha^*` is the corresponding angle of the reference element. Args: mesh: The mesh whose quality shall be computed. Returns: The element wise skewness of the mesh on process 0. """ comm = mesh.mpi_comm() ghost_offset = mesh.topology().ghost_offset(mesh.topology().dim()) skewness_array = self._quality_object.skewness(mesh).array()[:ghost_offset] skewness_list: np.ndarray = comm.gather(skewness_array, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: skewness_list = np.concatenate(skewness_list, axis=None) else: skewness_list = np.zeros(1) return skewness_list
[docs] class MaximumAngleCalculator(MeshQualityCalculator): """Implements the maximum angle quality measure."""
[docs] def compute(self, mesh: fenics.Mesh) -> np.ndarray: r"""Computes the largest angle of each element. This measures the relative distance of a triangle's angles or a tetrahedron's dihedral angles to the corresponding optimal angle. The optimal angle is defined as the angle an equilateral (and thus equiangular) element has. This is defined as .. math:: 1 - \max\left( \frac{\alpha - \alpha^*}{\pi - \alpha^*} , 0 \right), where :math:`\alpha` is the corresponding (dihedral) angle of the element and :math:`\alpha^*` is the corresponding (dihedral) angle of the reference element. Args: mesh: The mesh, whose quality shall be computed. Returns: The maximum angle quality measure for each element on process 0. """ comm = mesh.mpi_comm() ghost_offset = mesh.topology().ghost_offset(mesh.topology().dim()) maximum_angle_array = self._quality_object.maximum_angle(mesh).array()[ :ghost_offset ] maximum_angle_list: np.ndarray = comm.gather(maximum_angle_array, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: maximum_angle_list = np.concatenate(maximum_angle_list, axis=None) else: maximum_angle_list = np.zeros(1) return maximum_angle_list
[docs] class RadiusRatiosCalculator(MeshQualityCalculator): """Implements the radius ratios quality measure."""
[docs] def compute(self, mesh: fenics.Mesh) -> np.ndarray: r"""Computes the radius ratios of the mesh elements. This measures the ratio of the element's inradius to its circumradius, normalized by the geometric dimension. This is computed via .. math:: d \frac{r}{R}, where :math:`d` is the spatial dimension, :math:`r` is the inradius, and :math:`R` is the circumradius. Args: mesh: The mesh, whose quality shall be computed. Returns: The radius ratios of the mesh elements on process 0. """ comm = mesh.mpi_comm() ghost_offset = mesh.topology().ghost_offset(mesh.topology().dim()) radius_ratios_array = fenics.MeshQuality.radius_ratios(mesh).array()[ :ghost_offset ] radius_ratios_list: np.ndarray = comm.gather(radius_ratios_array, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: radius_ratios_list = np.concatenate(radius_ratios_list, axis=None) else: radius_ratios_list = np.zeros(1) return radius_ratios_list
[docs] class ConditionNumberCalculator(MeshQualityCalculator): """Implements the condition number quality measure."""
[docs] def compute(self, mesh: fenics.Mesh) -> np.ndarray: r"""Computes the condition number quality for each cell. This quality criterion uses the condition number (in the Frobenius norm) of the (linear) mapping from the elements of the mesh to the reference element. Args: mesh: The mesh, whose quality shall be computed. Returns: The condition numbers of the elements on process 0. """ comm = mesh.mpi_comm() function_space_dg0 = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0) jac = ufl.Jacobian(mesh) inv = ufl.JacobianInverse(mesh) options: _typing.KspOption = { "ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "jacobi", "pc_jacobi_type": "diagonal", "ksp_rtol": 1e-16, "ksp_atol": 1e-20, "ksp_max_it": 1000, } dx = measure.NamedMeasure("dx", mesh) lhs = ( fenics.TrialFunction(function_space_dg0) * fenics.TestFunction(function_space_dg0) * dx ) rhs = ( fenics.sqrt(fenics.inner(jac, jac)) * fenics.sqrt(fenics.inner(inv, inv)) * fenics.TestFunction(function_space_dg0) * dx ) cond = fenics.Function(function_space_dg0) _utils.assemble_and_solve_linear( lhs, rhs, fun=cond, ksp_options=options, comm=comm ) cond.vector().vec().reciprocal() cond.vector().apply("") cond.vector().vec().scale(np.sqrt(mesh.geometric_dimension())) cond.vector().apply("") cond_array = cond.vector().vec().array cond_list: np.ndarray = comm.gather(cond_array, root=0) if comm.rank == 0: cond_list = np.concatenate(cond_list, axis=None) else: cond_list = np.zeros(1) return cond_list
[docs] class MeshQuality: r"""A class used to compute the quality of a mesh. All quality measures have values in :math:`[0,1]`, where 1 corresponds to the reference (optimal) element, and 0 corresponds to degenerate elements. """
[docs] @classmethod def min(cls, calculator: MeshQualityCalculator, mesh: fenics.Mesh) -> float: """Computes the minimum mesh quality. Args: calculator: The calculator used to compute the mesh quality. mesh: The mesh under investigation. Returns: The minimum mesh quality according to the measure used. """ quality_list = calculator.compute(mesh) comm = mesh.mpi_comm() if comm.rank == 0: qual = float(np.min(quality_list)) else: qual = None quality = float(comm.bcast(qual, root=0)) return quality
[docs] @classmethod def avg(cls, calculator: MeshQualityCalculator, mesh: fenics.Mesh) -> float: """Computes the average mesh quality. Args: calculator: The calculator used to compute the mesh quality. mesh: The mesh under investigation. Returns: The average mesh quality according to the measure used. """ quality_list = calculator.compute(mesh) comm = mesh.mpi_comm() if comm.rank == 0: qual = float(np.average(quality_list)) else: qual = None quality = float(comm.bcast(qual, root=0)) return quality