Source code for cashocs._utils.linalg

# Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Sebastian Blauth
# This file is part of cashocs.
# cashocs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# cashocs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with cashocs.  If not, see <>.

"""Linear algebra helper functions."""

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Union

import fenics
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
from petsc4py import PETSc
from scipy import sparse

    import ufl_legacy as ufl
except ImportError:
    import ufl

from cashocs import _exceptions
from cashocs import _loggers
from cashocs._utils import forms as forms_module

    from cashocs import _typing

iterative_ksp_options: _typing.KspOption = {
    "ksp_type": "cg",
    "pc_type": "hypre",
    "pc_hypre_type": "boomeramg",
    "pc_hypre_boomeramg_strong_threshold": 0.7,
    "ksp_rtol": 1e-20,
    "ksp_atol": 1e-50,
    "ksp_max_it": 1000,

direct_ksp_options: _typing.KspOption = {
    "ksp_type": "preonly",
    "pc_type": "lu",
    "pc_factor_mat_solver_type": "mumps",
    "mat_mumps_icntl_24": 1,

def split_linear_forms(forms: List[ufl.Form]) -> Tuple[List[ufl.Form], List[ufl.Form]]:
    """Splits a list of linear forms into left- and right-hand sides.

        forms: A list of (linear) ufl forms.

        A tuple (lhs_forms, rhs_forms), where lhs_forms is the list of forms of the
        left-hand sides, and rhs_forms is the list of forms of the right-hand side.

    lhs_list = []
    rhs_list = []
    for i in range(len(forms)):
            lhs, rhs = fenics.system(forms[i])
        except ufl.log.UFLException as ufl_exception:
            raise _exceptions.CashocsException(
                "The state system could not be transferred to a linear "
                "Perhaps you specified that the system is linear, "
                "although it is not.\n"
                "In your config, in the StateSystem section, "
                "try using is_linear = False."
            ) from ufl_exception

        if rhs.empty():
            test_function = lhs.arguments()[0]
            mesh = lhs.ufl_domain()
            dx = fenics.Measure("dx", mesh)
            zero_form = (
                * dx

    return lhs_list, rhs_list

def assemble_petsc_system(
    lhs_form: ufl.Form,
    rhs_form: ufl.Form,
    bcs: Optional[Union[fenics.DirichletBC, List[fenics.DirichletBC]]] = None,
    A_tensor: Optional[fenics.PETScMatrix] = None,  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    b_tensor: Optional[fenics.PETScVector] = None,
    preconditioner_form: Optional[ufl.Form] = None,
) -> Tuple[PETSc.Mat, PETSc.Vec, Optional[PETSc.Mat]]:
    """Assembles a system symmetrically and converts objects to PETSc format.

        lhs_form: The UFL form for the left-hand side of the linear equation.
        rhs_form: The UFL form for the right-hand side of the linear equation.
        bcs: A list of Dirichlet boundary conditions.
        A_tensor: A matrix into which the result is assembled. Default is ``None``.
        b_tensor: A vector into which the result is assembled. Default is ``None``.

        A tuple (A, b), where A is the matrix of the linear system, and b is the vector
        of the linear system.

        This function always uses the ident_zeros method of the matrix in order to add a
        one to the diagonal in case the corresponding row only consists of zeros. This
        allows for well-posed problems on the boundary etc.

    mod_lhs_form = forms_module.bilinear_boundary_form_modification([lhs_form])[0]
    if A_tensor is None:
        A_tensor = fenics.PETScMatrix()
    if b_tensor is None:
        b_tensor = fenics.PETScVector()


    except ValueError as value_exception:
        raise _exceptions.CashocsException(
            "The state system could not be transferred to a linear "
            "Perhaps you specified that the system is linear, "
            "although it is not.\n"
            "In your config, in the StateSystem section, "
            "try using is_linear = False."
        ) from value_exception

    if preconditioner_form is not None:
        P_tensor = fenics.PETScMatrix()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        c_tensor = fenics.PETScVector()
        P = P_tensor.mat()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        P = None  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    A = A_tensor.mat()  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    b = b_tensor.vec()

    return A, b, P

def setup_petsc_options(
    ksps: List[PETSc.KSP], ksp_options: List[_typing.KspOption]
) -> None:
    """Sets up an (iterative) linear solver.

    This is used to pass user defined command line type options for PETSc
    to the PETSc KSP objects. Here, options[i] is applied to ksps[i].

        ksps: A list of PETSc KSP objects (linear solvers) to which the (command line)
            options are applied to.
        ksp_options: A list of command line options that specify the iterative solver
            from PETSc.

    opts = PETSc.Options()

    for i in range(len(ksps)):

        for key, value in ksp_options[i].items():
            opts.setValue(key, value)


def setup_fieldsplit_preconditioner(
    fun: Optional[fenics.Function],
    ksp: PETSc.KSP,
    options: _typing.KspOption,
) -> None:
    """Sets up the preconditioner for the fieldsplit case.

    This defines the index sets which indicate where the splitting should take place.

        fun: The function corresponding to the mixed system to be solved.
        ksp: The ksp object.
        options: The options for the ksp.

    if fun is not None:
        if "pc_type" in options.keys() and options["pc_type"] == "fieldsplit":
            function_space = fun.function_space()
            if not function_space.num_sub_spaces() > 1:
                raise _exceptions.InputError(
                    "You have specified a fieldsplit preconditioner, but the "
                    "problem to be solved is not a mixed one.",

            pc = ksp.getPC()
            idx = []
            name = []
            for i in range(function_space.num_sub_spaces()):
                idx_i = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(function_space.sub(i).dofmap().dofs())
            idx_tuples = zip(name, idx)


def _initialize_comm(comm: Optional[MPI.Comm] = None) -> MPI.Comm:
    """Initializes the MPI communicator.

    If the supplied communicator is `None`, return MPI.comm_world.

        comm: The supplied communicator or `None`

        The resulting communicator.

    if comm is None:
        comm = fenics.MPI.comm_world

    return comm

def define_ksp_options(
    ksp_options: Optional[_typing.KspOption] = None,
) -> _typing.KspOption:
    """Defines the KSP options to be used by PETSc.

    If no options are supplied, the direct solver mumps will be used.

        ksp_options: The KSP options for PETSc

        The KSP options that are supplied of the default ones (for mumps).

    if ksp_options is None:
        options = copy.deepcopy(direct_ksp_options)
        options = ksp_options

    return options

def setup_matrix_and_preconditioner(
    ksp: PETSc.KSP,
    A: Optional[PETSc.Mat] = None,  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    P: Optional[PETSc.Mat] = None,  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
) -> PETSc.Mat:
    """Set up the system matrix and preconditioner for a linear solve.

        ksp: The KSP object used to solve the problem.
        A: The system matrix or `None`.
        P: The preconditioner matrix or `None`.

        The system matrix.

    if A is not None:
        if P is None:
            ksp.setOperators(A, P)
        A = ksp.getOperators()[0]
        if A.size[0] == -1 and A.size[1] == -1:
            raise _exceptions.InputError(
                "The KSP object has to be initialized with some Matrix in case A is "

    return A

def solve_linear_problem(
    A: Optional[PETSc.Mat] = None,  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    b: Optional[PETSc.Vec] = None,
    fun: Optional[fenics.Function] = None,
    ksp_options: Optional[_typing.KspOption] = None,
    rtol: Optional[float] = None,
    atol: Optional[float] = None,
    comm: Optional[MPI.Comm] = None,
    P: Optional[PETSc.Mat] = None,  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    linear_solver: Optional[LinearSolver] = None,
) -> PETSc.Vec:
    """Solves a finite dimensional linear problem.

        A: The PETSc matrix corresponding to the left-hand side of the problem. If
            this is None, then the matrix stored in the ksp object is used. Raises
            an error if no matrix is stored. Default is None.
        b: The PETSc vector corresponding to the right-hand side of the problem.
            If this is None, then a zero right-hand side is assumed, and a zero vector
            is returned. Default is None.
        fun: The function which will store the solution of the problem. If this is
            None, then a new vector will be created (and returned).
        ksp_options: The options for the PETSc ksp object. If this is None (the default)
            a direct method is used.
        rtol: The relative tolerance used in case an iterative solver is used for
            solving the linear problem. Overrides the specification in the ksp object
            and ksp_options.
        atol: The absolute tolerance used in case an iterative solver is used for
            solving the linear problem. Overrides the specification in the ksp object
            and ksp_options.
        comm: The MPI communicator for the problem.

        The solution vector.

        "The function cashocs._utils.linalg.solve_linear_problem is "
        "deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use"
        "the solve method of cashocs._utils.linalg.LinearSolver instead."

    if linear_solver is None:
        linear_solver = LinearSolver(comm)

    return linear_solver.solve(A, b, fun, ksp_options, rtol, atol, P)

def assemble_and_solve_linear(
    lhs_form: ufl.Form,
    rhs_form: ufl.Form,
    bcs: Optional[Union[fenics.DirichletBC, List[fenics.DirichletBC]]] = None,
    A: Optional[fenics.PETScMatrix] = None,  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    b: Optional[fenics.PETScVector] = None,
    fun: Optional[fenics.Function] = None,
    ksp_options: Optional[_typing.KspOption] = None,
    rtol: Optional[float] = None,
    atol: Optional[float] = None,
    comm: Optional[MPI.Comm] = None,
    preconditioner_form: Optional[ufl.Form] = None,
    linear_solver: Optional[LinearSolver] = None,
) -> PETSc.Vec:
    """Assembles and solves a linear system.

        lhs_form: The UFL form for the left-hand side of the linear equation.
        rhs_form: The UFL form for the right-hand side of the linear equation.
        bcs: A list of Dirichlet boundary conditions.
        A: A matrix into which the lhs is assembled. Default is ``None``.
        b: A vector into which the rhs is assembled. Default is ``None``.
        fun: The function which will be solution of the problem. If this is
            None, then a new vector will be created (and returned).
        ksp_options: The options for the PETSc ksp object. If this is None (the default)
            a direct method is used.
        rtol: The relative tolerance used in case an iterative solver is used for
            solving the linear problem. Overrides the specification in the ksp object
            and ksp_options.
        atol: The absolute tolerance used in case an iterative solver is used for
            solving the linear problem. Overrides the specification in the ksp object
            and ksp_options.
        comm: The MPI communicator for solving the problem.

        A PETSc vector containing the solution x.

    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    A_matrix, b_vector, P_matrix = assemble_petsc_system(

    if linear_solver is None:
        linear_solver = LinearSolver(comm)

    solution = linear_solver.solve(

    return solution

class LinearSolver:
    """A solver for linear problems arising from discretized PDEs."""

    def __init__(self, comm: Optional[MPI.Comm] = None) -> None:
        """Initializes the linear solver.

            comm: The MPI communicator used for distributing the mesh (in parallel).

        self.comm = _initialize_comm(comm)

    def solve(
        A: Optional[PETSc.Mat] = None,  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        b: Optional[PETSc.Vec] = None,
        fun: Optional[fenics.Function] = None,
        ksp_options: Optional[_typing.KspOption] = None,
        rtol: Optional[float] = None,
        atol: Optional[float] = None,
        P: Optional[PETSc.Mat] = None,  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    ) -> PETSc.Vec:
        """Solves a finite dimensional linear problem arising from a discretized PDE.

            A: The PETSc matrix corresponding to the left-hand side of the problem. If
                this is None, then the matrix stored in the ksp object is used. Raises
                an error if no matrix is stored. Default is None.
            b: The PETSc vector corresponding to the right-hand side of the problem.
                If this is None, then a zero right-hand side is assumed, and a zero
                vector is returned. Default is None.
            fun: The function which will store the solution of the problem. If this is
                None, then a new vector will be created (and returned).
            ksp_options: The options for the PETSc ksp object. If this is None (the
                default) a direct method is used.
            rtol: The relative tolerance used in case an iterative solver is used for
                solving the linear problem. Overrides the specification in the ksp
                object and ksp_options.
            atol: The absolute tolerance used in case an iterative solver is used for
                solving the linear problem. Overrides the specification in the ksp
                object and ksp_options.

            The solution vector.

        ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(self.comm)

        A = setup_matrix_and_preconditioner(ksp, A, P)

        if b is None:
            return A.getVecs()[0]

        if fun is None:
            x, _ = A.getVecs()
            x = fun.vector().vec()

        options = define_ksp_options(ksp_options)

        setup_fieldsplit_preconditioner(fun, ksp, options)
        setup_petsc_options([ksp], [options])

        if rtol is not None:
            ksp.rtol = rtol
        if atol is not None:
            ksp.atol = atol

        ksp.solve(b, x)

        if ksp.getConvergedReason() < 0:
            raise _exceptions.PETScKSPError(ksp.getConvergedReason())

        if hasattr(PETSc, "garbage_cleanup"):

        if fun is not None:

        return x

[docs] class Interpolator: """Efficient interpolation between two function spaces. This is very useful, if multiple interpolations have to be carried out between the same spaces, which is made significantly faster by computing the corresponding matrix. The function spaces can even be defined on different meshes. Notes: This class only works properly for continuous Lagrange elements and constant, discontinuous Lagrange elements. Examples: Here, we consider interpolating from CG1 elements to CG2 elements :: import fenics import cashocs mesh, _, _, _, _, _ = cashocs.regular_mesh(25) V1 = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1) V2 = fenics.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 2) expr = fenics.Expression('sin(2*pi*x[0])', degree=1) u = fenics.interpolate(expr, V1) interp = cashocs._utils.Interpolator(V1, V2) interp.interpolate(u) """ def __init__( self, origin_space: fenics.FunctionSpace, target_space: fenics.FunctionSpace ) -> None: """Initializes self. Args: origin_space: The function space whose objects shall be interpolated. target_space: The space into which they shall be interpolated. """ if not ( origin_space.ufl_element().family() == "Lagrange" or ( origin_space.ufl_element().family() == "Discontinuous Lagrange" and origin_space.ufl_element().degree() == 0 ) ): raise _exceptions.InputError( "cashocs._utils.Interpolator", "origin_space", "The interpolator only works with CG n or DG 0 elements", ) if not ( target_space.ufl_element().family() == "Lagrange" or ( target_space.ufl_element().family() == "Discontinuous Lagrange" and target_space.ufl_element().degree() == 0 ) ): raise _exceptions.InputError( "cashocs._utils.Interpolator", "target_space", "The interpolator only works with CG n or DG 0 elements", ) self.origin_space = origin_space self.target_space = target_space self.transfer_matrix = fenics.PETScDMCollection.create_transfer_matrix( self.origin_space, self.target_space ).mat()
[docs] def interpolate(self, u: fenics.Function) -> fenics.Function: """Interpolates function to target space. The function has to belong to the origin space, i.e., the first argument of __init__, and it is interpolated to the destination space, i.e., the second argument of __init__. There is no need to call set_allow_extrapolation on the function (this is done automatically due to the method). Args: u: The function that shall be interpolated. Returns: The result of the interpolation. """ v = fenics.Function(self.target_space) x = fenics.as_backend_type(u.vector()).vec() _, temp = self.transfer_matrix.getVecs() self.transfer_matrix.mult(x, temp) v.vector().vec().aypx(0.0, temp) v.vector().apply("") return v
def sparse2scipy( csr: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], shape: tuple[int, int] | None = None ) -> sparse.csr_matrix: """Converts a sparse matrix representation to a sparse scipy matrix. Args: csr: The tuple making up the CSR matrix: `rows, cols, vals`. shape: The shape of the sparse matrix. Returns: The corresponding sparse scipy csr matrix. """ rows = csr[0] cols = csr[1] vals = csr[2] matrix = sparse.csr_matrix((vals, (rows, cols)), shape=shape) return matrix def scipy2petsc( scipy_matrix: sparse.csr_matrix, comm: MPI.Comm, local_size: int | None = None, ) -> PETSc.Mat: """Converts a sparse scipy matrix to a (sparse) PETSc matrix. Args: scipy_matrix: The sparse scipy matrix comm: The MPI communicator used for distributing the mesh local_size: The local size (number of rows) of the matrix, different for each process. If this is `None` (the default), then PETSc.DECIDE is used. Returns: The corresponding sparse PETSc matrix. """ shape = scipy_matrix.shape no_rows_total = comm.allreduce(shape[0], op=MPI.SUM) if local_size is None: local_size = PETSc.DECIDE petsc_matrix = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ( comm=comm, size=((shape[0], no_rows_total), (local_size, shape[1])), csr=(scipy_matrix.indptr, scipy_matrix.indices,, ) return petsc_matrix