Source code for cashocs._optimization.topology_optimization.topology_optimization_problem

# Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Sebastian Blauth
# This file is part of cashocs.
# cashocs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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"""Implementation of a topology optimization problem."""

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Union

import fenics
from matplotlib import colors
import numpy as np

    import ufl_legacy as ufl
except ImportError:
    import ufl

from cashocs import _exceptions
from cashocs import _optimization
from cashocs import _utils
from cashocs import io
from cashocs._optimization import line_search as ls
from cashocs._optimization.optimal_control import optimal_control_problem
from cashocs._optimization.topology_optimization import descent_topology_algorithm
from cashocs._optimization.topology_optimization import topology_optimization_algorithm
from cashocs._optimization.topology_optimization import topology_variable_abstractions

    from cashocs import _forms
    from cashocs import _pde_problems
    from cashocs import _typing

[docs] class TopologyOptimizationProblem(_optimization.OptimizationProblem): r"""A topology optimization problem. This class is used to define a topology optimization problem, and to solve it subsequently. For a detailed documentation, we refer to the :ref:`tutorial <tutorial_index>`. For easier input, when considering single (state or control) variables, these do not have to be wrapped into a list. Note, that in the case of multiple variables these have to be grouped into ordered lists, where ``state_forms``, ``bcs_list``, ``states``, ``adjoints`` have to have the same order (i.e. ``[y1, y2]`` and ``[p1, p2]``, where ``p1`` is the adjoint of ``y1`` and so on). """ solver: topology_optimization_algorithm.TopologyOptimizationAlgorithm def __init__( # pylint: disable=unused-argument self, state_forms: list[ufl.Form] | ufl.Form, bcs_list: ( list[list[fenics.DirichletBC]] | list[fenics.DirichletBC] | fenics.DirichletBC ), cost_functional_form: list[_typing.CostFunctional] | _typing.CostFunctional, states: list[fenics.Function] | fenics.Function, adjoints: list[fenics.Function] | fenics.Function, levelset_function: fenics.Function, topological_derivative_neg: fenics.Function | ufl.Form, topological_derivative_pos: fenics.Function | ufl.Form, update_levelset: Callable, config: io.Config | None = None, riesz_scalar_products: list[ufl.Form] | ufl.Form | None = None, initial_guess: list[fenics.Function] | None = None, ksp_options: Optional[Union[_typing.KspOption, List[_typing.KspOption]]] = None, adjoint_ksp_options: Optional[ Union[_typing.KspOption, List[_typing.KspOption]] ] = None, gradient_ksp_options: Optional[ Union[_typing.KspOption, List[_typing.KspOption]] ] = None, desired_weights: list[float] | None = None, preconditioner_forms: Optional[Union[List[ufl.Form], ufl.Form]] = None, pre_callback: Optional[Callable] = None, post_callback: Optional[Callable] = None, linear_solver: Optional[_utils.linalg.LinearSolver] = None, adjoint_linear_solver: Optional[_utils.linalg.LinearSolver] = None, newton_linearizations: Optional[Union[ufl.Form, List[ufl.Form]]] = None, ) -> None: r"""Initializes the topology optimization problem. Args: state_forms: The weak form of the state equation (user implemented). Can be either a single UFL form, or a (ordered) list of UFL forms. bcs_list: The list of :py:class:`fenics.DirichletBC` objects describing Dirichlet (essential) boundary conditions. If this is ``None``, then no Dirichlet boundary conditions are imposed. cost_functional_form: UFL form of the cost functional. Can also be a list of summands of the cost functional states: The state variable(s), can either be a :py:class:`fenics.Function`, or a list of these. adjoints: The adjoint variable(s), can either be a :py:class:`fenics.Function`, or a (ordered) list of these. levelset_function: A :py:class:`fenics.Function` which represents the levelset function. topological_derivative_neg: The topological derivative inside the domain, where the levelset function is negative. topological_derivative_pos: The topological derivative inside the domain, where the levelset function is positive. update_levelset: A python function (without arguments) which is called to update the coefficients etc. when the levelset function is changed. config: The config file for the problem, generated via :py:func:`cashocs.create_config`. Alternatively, this can also be ``None``, in which case the default configurations are used, except for the optimization algorithm. This has then to be specified in the :py:meth:`solve <cashocs.OptimalControlProblem.solve>` method. The default is ``None``. riesz_scalar_products: The scalar products of the control space. Can either be ``None`` or a single UFL form. If it is ``None``, the :math:`L^2(\Omega)` product is used (default is ``None``). initial_guess: List of functions that act as initial guess for the state variables, should be valid input for :py:func:`fenics.assign`. Defaults to ``None``, which means a zero initial guess. ksp_options: A list of strings corresponding to command line options for PETSc, used to solve the state systems. If this is ``None``, then the direct solver mumps is used (default is ``None``). adjoint_ksp_options: A list of strings corresponding to command line options for PETSc, used to solve the adjoint systems. If this is ``None``, then the same options as for the state systems are used (default is ``None``). gradient_ksp_options: A list of dicts corresponding to command line options for PETSc, used to compute the (shape) gradient. If this is ``None``, either a direct or an iterative method is used (depending on the configuration, section OptimizationRoutine, key gradient_method). desired_weights: A list of values for scaling the cost functional terms. If this is supplied, the cost functional has to be given as list of summands. The individual terms are then scaled, so that term `i` has the magnitude of `desired_weights[i]` for the initial iteration. In case that `desired_weights` is `None`, no scaling is performed. Default is `None`. preconditioner_forms: The list of forms for the preconditioner. The default is `None`, so that the preconditioner matrix is the same as the system matrix. pre_callback: A function (without arguments) that will be called before each solve of the state system post_callback: A function (without arguments) that will be called after the computation of the gradient. linear_solver: The linear solver (KSP) which is used to solve the linear systems arising from the discretized PDE. adjoint_linear_solver: The linear solver (KSP) which is used to solve the (linear) adjoint system. newton_linearizations: A (list of) UFL forms describing which (alternative) linearizations should be used for the (nonlinear) state equations when solving them (with Newton's method). The default is `None`, so that the Jacobian of the supplied state forms is used. """ super().__init__( state_forms, bcs_list, cost_functional_form, states, adjoints, config=config, initial_guess=initial_guess, ksp_options=ksp_options, adjoint_ksp_options=adjoint_ksp_options, gradient_ksp_options=gradient_ksp_options, desired_weights=desired_weights, preconditioner_forms=preconditioner_forms, pre_callback=pre_callback, post_callback=post_callback, linear_solver=linear_solver, adjoint_linear_solver=adjoint_linear_solver, newton_linearizations=newton_linearizations, ) self.db.parameter_db.problem_type = "topology" self.mesh_parametrization = None self.levelset_function: fenics.Function = levelset_function self.topological_derivative_pos: fenics.Function | ufl.Form = ( topological_derivative_pos ) self.topological_derivative_neg: fenics.Function | ufl.Form = ( topological_derivative_neg ) self.update_levelset: Callable = update_levelset self.riesz_scalar_products = riesz_scalar_products self.is_topology_problem = True self.update_levelset() self.topological_derivative_is_identical = self.config.getboolean( "TopologyOptimization", "topological_derivative_is_identical" ) self.re_normalize_levelset = self.config.getboolean( "TopologyOptimization", "re_normalize_levelset" ) self.normalize_topological_derivative = self.config.getboolean( "TopologyOptimization", "normalize_topological_derivative" ) self.interpolation_scheme = self.config.get( "TopologyOptimization", "interpolation_scheme" ) self.mesh = self.levelset_function.function_space().mesh() self.dg0_space = fenics.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "DG", 0) ocp_config = copy.deepcopy(self.config) ocp_config.set("Output", "verbose", "False") ocp_config.set("Output", "save_txt", "False") ocp_config.set("Output", "save_results", "False") ocp_config.set("Output", "save_state", "False") ocp_config.set("Output", "save_adjoint", "False") ocp_config.set("Output", "save_gradient", "False") ocp_config.set("OptimizationRoutine", "soft_exit", "True") ocp_config.set("OptimizationRoutine", "rtol", "0.0") ocp_config.set("OptimizationRoutine", "atol", "0.0") self._base_ocp = optimal_control_problem.OptimalControlProblem( self.state_forms, self.bcs_list, self.cost_functional_list, self.states, self.levelset_function, self.adjoints, config=ocp_config, riesz_scalar_products=self.riesz_scalar_products, initial_guess=initial_guess, ksp_options=ksp_options, adjoint_ksp_options=adjoint_ksp_options, gradient_ksp_options=gradient_ksp_options, desired_weights=desired_weights, preconditioner_forms=preconditioner_forms, pre_callback=pre_callback, post_callback=post_callback, linear_solver=linear_solver, adjoint_linear_solver=adjoint_linear_solver, newton_linearizations=newton_linearizations, ) self._base_ocp.db.parameter_db.problem_type = "topology" self.db.function_db.control_spaces = ( self._base_ocp.db.function_db.control_spaces ) self.db.function_db.controls = self._base_ocp.db.function_db.controls self.form_handler: _forms.ControlFormHandler = self._base_ocp.form_handler self.state_problem: _pde_problems.StateProblem = self._base_ocp.state_problem self.adjoint_problem: _pde_problems.AdjointProblem = ( self._base_ocp.adjoint_problem ) self.gradient_problem: _pde_problems.ControlGradientProblem = ( self._base_ocp.gradient_problem ) self.reduced_cost_functional = self._base_ocp.reduced_cost_functional def _erase_pde_memory(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=useless-parent-delegation super()._erase_pde_memory()
[docs] def gradient_test(self) -> float: """Gradient test for topology optimization - not implemented.""" raise NotImplementedError( "Gradient test is not implemented for topology optimization." )
[docs] def solve( self, algorithm: str | None = None, rtol: float | None = None, atol: float | None = None, max_iter: int | None = None, angle_tol: float | None = None, ) -> None: """Solves the optimization problem. Args: algorithm: Selects the optimization algorithm. Valid choices are ``'gradient_descent'`` or ``'gd'`` for a gradient descent method, ``'conjugate_gradient'``, ``'nonlinear_cg'``, ``'ncg'`` or ``'cg'`` for nonlinear conjugate gradient methods, ``'lbfgs'`` or ``'bfgs'`` for limited memory BFGS methods, ``'sphere_combination'`` for Euler's method on the spehere, and ``'convex_combination'`` for a convex combination approach. rtol: The relative tolerance used for the termination criterion (i.e. the norm of the projected topological gradient). If this is ``None``, then the value provided in the config file is used. Default is ``None``. atol: The absolute tolerance for the termination criterion (i.e. the norm of the projected topological gradient). If this is ``None``, then the value provided in the config file is used. Default is ``None``. max_iter: The maximum number of iterations the optimization algorithm can carry out before it is terminated. If this is ``None``, then the value provided in the config file is used. Default is ``None``. angle_tol: The absolute tolerance for the angle between topological derivative and levelset function. If this is ``None``, then the value provided in the config file is used. Default is ``None``. """ super().solve(algorithm=algorithm, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, max_iter=max_iter) self.optimization_variable_abstractions = ( topology_variable_abstractions.TopologyVariableAbstractions(self, self.db) ) line_search_type = self.config.get("LineSearch", "method").casefold() if line_search_type == "armijo": line_search: ls.LineSearch = ls.ArmijoLineSearch(self.db, self) elif line_search_type == "polynomial": line_search = ls.PolynomialLineSearch(self.db, self) else: raise _exceptions.CashocsException("This code cannot be reached.") if angle_tol is not None: self.config.set("TopologyOptimization", "angle_tol", str(angle_tol)) if self.algorithm == "sphere_combination": self.solver = topology_optimization_algorithm.SphereCombinationAlgorithm( self.db, self, line_search ) elif self.algorithm == "convex_combination": self.solver = topology_optimization_algorithm.ConvexCombinationAlgorithm( self.db, self, line_search ) else: self.solver = descent_topology_algorithm.DescentTopologyAlgorithm( self.db, self, line_search, self.algorithm ) self.solver.post_processing()
[docs] def plot_shape(self) -> None: """Visualize the current shape in a plot.""" rgbvals = np.array([[0, 107, 164], [255, 128, 14]]) / 255.0 cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( "tab10_colorblind", rgbvals, N=256 ) fenics.plot(self.levelset_function, vmin=-1e-10, vmax=1e-10, cmap=cmap)